Message from the Mountaintop MJJ 2017
You are blessed to be here at this time of great change on the planet and throughout the Universe. It is all you have asked for and more, for there is always more. It is also a great challenge for humanity. Your best selves and deepest expressions of you are birthing and stepping forward. More and more of what was buried beneath the surface, that was blocking the path, is being unearthed within you. Like rocks that suddenly appear in a farmer’s field, exposed for removal or going around, your issues arise for you to make choices about.
Many of you say, “I’ve always been this way!” We say, “Yes, and your life won’t change if you remain that way!” YOU CAN CHOOSE AGAIN! YOU CAN CREATE ANEW! Some old patterns take choosing anew again and again- to release their hold on you. Testing, testing, do you really want this change? DON’T GIVE UP! Will you invest the time and energy in yourself, to shift your perspective, your experience of your life and how you want it to be now, how you want to live it now?
It takes all the self-love you’ve got and the growing of some more, to accomplish this deep work. Can you hold the old you, in your heart and arms, with compassion while saying, “I witness your pain and your fear, and together we’re going to heal, to create our life anew.” Call that part of you forward with love, extending a hand to hold as you walk out of your “nightmare” conditioning to a brighter, better reality. It can feel like quicksand and you have to choose to grab that/those hands. There is a way forward to freedom.
Remember that you are a sovereign piece of Source, who is exploring the illusion; playing the roles in countless scenarios- for the purpose of expanding love, not for destroying it or being destroyed by it. You are testing every imaginable theory, to learn that surrendering to love is the only way through it all.
It is so hard to focus when in the throes of destruction and yet that is when it’s required the most. The conundrum: to keep calling in the love, the joy of creating; while feeling the fear trying to consume you, to take everything from you. Yet, what else can you do in these times except reach in the silence, to rise from the ashes of dis-illusion-ment, to find your greater truth, to go from survival to thrival? (New word I heard and loved)
It is often when we are at our worst that we discover our super-natural gifts or our meta-human qualities. Walk ahead of that point and call forth those parts of you now. Don’t wait until there’s nowhere else to go. Make an empowered choice and build from here. Decide you won’t abandon yourself on your worst days and you’ll celebrate you on your good days.
This empowered you is who is going to build and support sustainable thriving community. You’ll be living it and be able to share it. Support and encourage each other through these discoveries and self-growth. Genuinely ask for and receive help and offer help when you can. Know your spirit is strengthened by your humility and determination to keep reaching for love to lift you through your own and the collective challenges we face. Grace always finds a way when we make room for it.
As Den always said, “Love yourself ENOUGH to love another MORE!” Source teaches us most through relationship, with ourselves, with each other and with everything else. The multi-dimensional reality is real, reaching out to assist in every way it can. Call on us, now.
Blessings and Love
Cheryl Cowie
F/M/A 2017 Message from the Mountaintop
The very fact that you want healing for your world, for humanity is a blessing unto itself, drawing forth creative energy. What if we told you, you are in exactly the right place and time? These world events are focusing the intense desire for change required for transformation of the magnitude that is underway. We want that transformation so strongly; our outer world is personifying what is moving out, making room for the new essence of community that we are birthing. The conditions are perfect and the opportunity is at hand.
LEADERSHIP is the focus, for that is what you are birthing! The mirror presented is so clear; showing what you are called to work on, within yourselves. It is bringing lifetimes of outdated belief systems and ways right to your doorstep, to your awareness. It shows us all the fear, confusion, outrage, separation, deep sorrow, doubt and despair. All that has fed upon the choices and lack of choices experienced thus far in his-tory, her-story and OUR-story, both positive and negative. We have ALL participated on many levels and sides of the story throughout the times. Things are at the surface, being exposed to so many BECAUSE, it gives everyone who “SEES”- an opportunity to anchor more of their Higher Selves Light and Wisdom, within their own lives! You have been preparing and training for lifetimes to avail of this leap in consciousness – for the whole planet.
The call to action is the healing of the self. The willingness to feel the turmoil, the noise, the upheaval in whatever way it is showing up in YOUR life and call on your Higher Self for the clarity, compassion and help to heal that within you. This is where leadership begins. Whatever is most disturbing to you “out there” is the wound that’s calling for your love to transform. It’s the piece you carry the ability to heal, by addressing it within you. This changes your vibration which affects the whole vibration. You are the only one you have sovereignty over, the power to change. The world is a guidance system you learn to navigate to help show you the way home-to you- to the Source within you – to remember why you came.
You are not helpless, you are all powerful creators. You just have to fine tune your focus to create what you dream of. You are the dream! Your alignment is the key! Experience teaches what our choices create. Keep summoning the way you would like it to be; wellness, peace, beauty, abundance, safety, freedom, thriving community. Dream a world where each gets their own expression of that. Diversity creates rich complexity.
Divine self-awareness and loving self-care are how we embody more of our joy and purpose and how we contribute to that, sharing more of the light of who we truly are, attracting that energy, expanding that impact. Love yourself first, stop beating up on you, stop excluding yourself from your unconditional love and become what you want to see in the world. Hold space and stretch to become the container for the new world to emerge. You then address issues with more peace and equanimity, with the desire to heal through them.
The things you are suffering are calling forth the parts of you that hold the healing and wisdom required for your growth, birthing new desires and shedding obstacles. The volume is turned up so loud, it is causing you to call on us to work intensely with you. Higher Selves, Ascended Masters, Source and many
benevolent frequencies are all available and interested in the accelerated activations and activity occurring now. We’ve turned up our volume so it’s easier to feel our presence and assistance. This evolution involves greater interaction with advanced beings and wisdom. You have dreamed and created thus.
Do some form of daily practice to allow your awareness and reception of us to become your way of being. This heightened relationship is the next step toward enlightened community. Claim your oneness with the love that you and “they” are to receive guidance for correct action. Commune with each other from this vibration within you.
It’s not about what “they” are doing. It’s about taking responsibility for your personal sovereignty and working lovingly with whatever comes up for you. To stop outer war, you must stop being at war with you and look for soul-utions instead of condemnation. Be at peace to create peace.
There is so much to be done without causing harm to anyone. Check yourself at the door of your decision-making. “Am I feeding fear or love in this moment? How can I be at peace with where I am in this process of transformation? What does my Soul need to thrive? What is required of me in this moment- a deep breath of connecting and listening to my Inner Council? Is this an opportunity to shed something, to pick up something new, hold space, create space? Do I allow the love I am to fill it, or the love they are, or the new love that is birthed between us (a frequency that heals and empowers both?)
Observe, don’t absorb! Come back to the dream. Can it be created this way? Yes, keep going. No, let the obstacles and the justifications for bad behaviours and attitudes fall. I can only disarm my part in it. I can choose my heart over my anger, outrage, the need to be right or to fix them. Help me be with myself through it all. Help me be and breathe the Divine Breath of Life that we all are.
Leadership begins with me, connected to Source, claiming sovereignty, looking at my life through those eyes – which then flows out to all sacred life.”
Blessings and Love
Cheryl Cowie