Healing Letters Of Light

Healing Letters of Light are channeled directly by me while performing Reiki 2 long distance healing.  

Creating Your Heart’s Desire

Watch for dates and details for 2018.


To be announced.

Healing Letters Of Light

Healing Letters of Light are channeled directly by me while performing Reiki 2 long distance healing.  Reiki is Universal Life/Love Energy which fills your vibratory need and restores the Being to Wholeness.  Reiki addresses physical, emotional, mental and spiritual needs.  It is a very gentle, yet powerful frequency which activates self-knowledge, can allow you to see beyond your symptoms and may provide understanding, which often prompts you to take your next step in life.  

I listen deeply to your Higher Self, guides, teachers and healers (Your unseen team); illuminating what has come up for healing at this time.  I write down all thoughts, feelings, images, memories and messages that come through during your healing session.  I simply listen and transcribe, I do not interpret!  This allows your Inner Being to present your truth in integrity, sometimes coding it, so that only you will know what it is referencing in your life.  This is most intimate, private and sacred work.

** Disclaimer: This is not intended to diagnose or replace medical advice or treatment.  Always consult professionals before making any changes concerning your health and well-being. **

 Who Is This For?

This is for anyone who seeks energy healing for physical, mental, emotional and spiritual issues and self-knowledge.  Perhaps you are feeling out of alignment or seeking some clarity. It may reveal sub-conscious belief patterns that are acting out in your life.  Reiki goes beyond the symptom and addresses the cause.  A belief is a thought which we keep repeating or have absorbed and taken on as our truth.  Bringing our beliefs into our awareness, gives a chance to decide if we want to keep them or perhaps they are no longer serving and we can decide to let them go and change.  It is also wonderful for Living with Dying and can bring great dignity and peace to the process.  In 22 years I’ve seen and been part of many truly amazing healings.

What You Can Expect:

Reiki is Love/Light energy, our connection to the Divine.  It runs through and affects every living thing on the planet. It’s a healing modality of vibrational medicine. The way I’ve been trained to do Reiki 2 puts word to the frequency and converses with your Higher Self, bringing forth eternal wisdom which goes beyond time and space.

You can expect to uncover more of you than previously acknowledged. Self-knowledge is power.  It can show you how you’ve been creating your reality and gives you the opportunity to make informed choices. Willingness to see deeply into the self, tuning into the love that we are and modulating our lives through that love, creates healing.

As Reiki fills the vibratory need, you may feel very relaxed and/or much energized following a treatment. The energy keeps working with you for several days, so watch for subtle or greater healing shifts. Claim them! For example: I healed myself of fibromyalgia and so much of the pain of the past.

What You Will Receive:

You receive a 90 minute healing session, an MP3 audio reading of it, along with the written copy by email.  There is magic in the listening to the healing as it is all about the transmitting of frequency, the vibration. The audio allows me to present the material as lovingly as I received it and for you to listen to it as often as you like. Read your healing or your favourite bits aloud to yourself because your own voice has healing resonance which directs and empowers your journey.

Required For Each Healing:

I need a photograph in which I can see your eyes clearly. No sunglasses. The eyes are the windows to the soul and necessary to see clearly for this process.

If you are gifting another, please get their photo, permission and send me their address and email as it is for their eyes only, and they can decide to share it with you or not.

Price: $250 Canadian

Cheryl Glastonbury

Creating Your Heart’s Desire Workshop


Coming in 2018.